Breastfeeding Support 24/7: 855-550-6667
If you are using the laid back position, you will lay in a reclined position and let your baby self–attach to your breast when he is ready. If you are using a different position, you will control the attachment more than your baby. Here are a few tips to achieve a deep latch:

1. Hold your baby so that he is facing you (tummy-to-tummy) with his nose lined up with your nipple. Your hand should be holding your baby by the base of the neck and shoulder blades, not on the back of his head.

2. His ear, shoulders and hips should be in a straight line, and his head slightly tilted back. This puts him into a good “drinking position.”

3. With his nose across from your nipple, gently press your baby’s chin into your breast. Wait for him to open his mouth wide, like a yawn.

4. With your hand between his should blades, firmly bring him onto your breast. If he is positioned correctly, there will be a small space between his nose and your breast that keeps an open airway. If your baby doesn’t open wide, reposition him and try once more. If he still doesn’t open, this means he is not hungry.

5. When he sucks you should feel a pull-tugging sensation, but no pain. If you feel pain or pinching, slide your finger into the corner of his mouth to break the suction and try again.
When to Reach Out
If you cannot get comfortable, it’s time to get help. Call 855-550-6667 for free breastfeeding help 24/7. Breastfeeding should not be painful.