Texas Health and Human Services

Breastfeeding Support 24/7: 855-550-6667

Breastfeeding Support 24/7: 855-550-6667

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By Texas WIC

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Am I making enough milk?

Milk supply is a very common concern for moms. Moms may think they are not making enough milk because their baby cries a lot, they compare their supply to other moms, or their baby seems to need some formula or pumped milk after breastfeeding. But these are not necessarily signs that you have a low milk supply.

How can you know that your baby is getting enough milk?

Answer three short questions to see if your baby is getting enough to eat.


Do your baby’s wet and dirty diapers match the chart below?
Note: Babies over 4 weeks old might have fewer dirty diapers.

Diaper chart shows how many wet and dirty diapers your baby should have from Day 1 to Day 30. See full description under the heading Diaper Chart.

Is your baby breastfeeding between 8-12 times every 24 hours and giving you 2-3 hour stretches of satisfaction between feedings?


Is your baby back to birth weight by 2 weeks old and gaining about 2/3 of an ounce to 1 ounce every day? Your baby's doctor is tracking this, so be sure to attend your appointments!

Wonderful! These are all signs that your baby is getting enough to eat.

If you are unsure or have questions about your milk supply, call your local WIC clinic to speak to a peer counselor or lactation consultant.

Baby may not be getting enough to eat, but we are here to help.

Many times a mom has plenty of milk, but her baby isn’t able to remove all the milk he needs for some reason. Call your doctor and your local WIC clinic to speak to a peer counselor or lactation consultant.

What are some common causes of a low milk supply?

One of the most common reasons a mother may have a low supply is that she is not breastfeeding or pumping often enough to produce a full milk supply.

When milk is being removed from your breast — either by breastfeeding or pumping — a hormonal signal is sent to your brain to make milk. More breastfeeding and pumping results in a higher milk supply, while less breastfeeding or pumping results in a lower milk supply. To make a full milk supply, you’ll need to breastfeed or pump a minimum of eight times every 24 hours.

Another common reason a mother may have a low supply is that the latch is not quite right. A baby who is not latched deeply will not be able to drain your breast well, which will cause your supply to go down. The pain of an uncomfortable latch could also impact your milk supply.

Helpful Tips for Boosting Your Milk Supply:

Breastfeed your baby every time he is hungry.

This is the best way to boost your milk supply. Watch your baby for hunger cues. Feed your baby any time you see these signs.

If your baby is not breastfeeding at least eight times a day, you can pump to replace any missed breastfeeds. This will increase your supply over time.

Make sure your latch is comfortable.

Signs of a shallow latch include pain, cracks, blisters or bleeding on your nipples.

Visit our How to Get a Good Latch page for step-by-step instructions on how to get a deep latch.

A WIC peer counselor or lactation consultant can help ensure your baby has a deep and comfortable latch, allowing him to remove all the milk he needs from your breast.

Use a breast pump with correctly sized flanges and comfortable suction.

If you are not getting milk with the pump, it could be that your pump flange — the part that fits over your breast— might be too big or too small.

It could also mean that the suction level isn’t quite right. The suction level should feel comfortable and not painful. A WIC peer counselor or lactation consultant can help ensure the flange size and suction level are right for you.

What about supplements?

Some mothers believe there are foods, drinks or herbal supplements that can increase their milk supply. While some ingredients can give a very slight boost, they will not fix a low milk supply. There are also some herbs that may drop your supply, depending on your medical history. The most effective way to boost your milk supply is to take more milk out of the breast through increased breastfeeding or pumping. Talk to a health care provider before taking any herbal supplements.

Give you and your baby time.

Know that it will take a few days of extra time spent breastfeeding and pumping before you notice an increase in your milk supply. This is normal, as it takes your body some time to respond to the hormonal signals.


If you have any questions or concerns about your supply, call your WIC office or the free 24/7 Texas Lactation Hotline to speak to a breastfeeding expert: 855-550-6667.

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